Thursday, March 1, 2012

30. Diary Of A Day Shooting - Day 3

On Tuesday 13th April we continued to film for the 3rd and final day for our thriller opening. The following picture shows the location of where we were filming which is King Georges Park forest in Brentwood. 

 The following pictures show the characters costume and make-up. The black clothing was used as the connotations are death and the fear of the unknown which is related to our thriller. Also the make-up was to give the sense that the main character is a ghost: pale skin, dark eyes. The following photo is a picture of tattoo cuts that Katherine bought on Amazon. The last picture shows the main characters cut on her wrist to show self harm.

The following pictures show Katherine filming, using the tripod, camera and storyboard sheet.

Here are some video's from the day ....

 By Penny Horsnell and Katherine Scott

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