Sunday, March 18, 2012

47. Evaluation Activity 4 - "Who would be the audience for your media product?"

Name: John Smith

Age: 19

Interests and Hobbies: Gigs, listening to music, going out with friends, the cinema.

Favourite Films: Scream (1,2 and 3), The Shining, Shaun of the Dead, The Dark Knight, Scarface

Bio: John is currently at University studying Media Studies. He is sociable, so since starting his course he has made plenty of new friends. Money is tight because of his Uni costs, therefore John has little money to spare on big nights out. He enjoys going to the cinema as it isn't overly expensive and his favourite genre of film are thrillers (as you can see by his favourite films above.) John would love our film as it is a thriller, however it goes against some of the typical stereotypes seen in thriller films. 'Immolation' would be a change for him, aswell as something he would enjoy.

Name: Rachel Williams

Age: 16

Interests and Hobbies: Going out with friends, shopping and swimming.

Favourite Films: Inception, The Black Swan, Titanic, Saving Private Ryan

Bio: Rachel is in her last year at school studying her GCSE's.
Exams are stressful therefore Rachel and her friends enjoy going out to take their minds of their studies. She loves going to see horrors/thrillers as she likes the adrenaline rush she gets from them. Rachel and her family also enjoy watching new films on Sky movies and Netflix as it gives them a chance to spend time together and watch the latest movies. Rachel would like our thriller as it has the adrenaline filled narrative which she enjoys.

The age rating for our film is a 15. However the target audience for our film would most likely be 15- 20 year olds. The reasons for this is because although our film contains some graphic images, it isn't overly scary and anyone above the age of 21 may want to go to the cinema to see a more scary film (something that is rated 18+)

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