Sunday, February 5, 2012

5. Prelim Task Overview

For the preliminary task we were asked to create a short clip to show our understanding of various media concepts such as 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot, match cut, and continuity editing. As a group we created a story board for the scene we was going to film. After this and before filming the year 13's showed us how to use the tripod and the camera to ensure that we could film correctly.

As a group we decided we didn't need to include a detailed storyline. The prelim includes a basic conversation between two of our group members. However we still ensured we included all of the media concepts a prelim needs.

We faced some problems during the prelim production. For example when Tanzila was walking down the stairs she was walking at a slow pace, in the following shot of Tanzilla walking down the corridor she was walking much faster. When it came to editing and putting the shots together there was nothing we could do to make them match. When it comes to making our thriller we now know to make sure the pace that we walk matches in each scene. Also, during a few of the shots the camera  isn't as steady as it should be, when filming we now know how careful we have to be.

By Katherine Scott and Tanzila Salam

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