Wednesday, February 8, 2012

8. Mood board - Images Associated with a Thriller

This is a mood board we created to show the images which are associated with a typical thriller movie.

  • The image of a woman screaming represents the fear portrayed by characters in horror movies. We used a woman screaming as it is often the woman in a thriller being seen as weak and the 'damsel in distress'
  • In terms of mise-en-scene the setting in thrillers often try to create the sense of isolation or loneliness. Therefore in the mood board we used an image of an abandoned house and a forest.
  • Silhouetes and masks are common in thrillers because of the question that the audience will ask after seeing them, who is the person who's face we can't see?
  • The props/iconography used in thrillers are important. To show their importance close ups are often used which is why we chose a close up image of a knife.
By Katherine Scott

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