Friday, February 24, 2012

24. Analysing/Marking someone else’s work

This thriller opening starts off with no music/soundtrack and has a female character laying in the bath, still. The next scene is a short pan of some kind of landscape which then fades into the next scene where you see a character walking from the right of the screen to the left, from waist downwards. Also, on the top left hand corner, a name is exposed.  The next shot is from a diagonal shot of the same female character continuing to walk whilst looking to the ground.  Again we see the same shot the thriller opened with, a female character laying in the bath still. There is then a quick cut to the next scene where we see a female character walking up a hill in slow motion. Again, another name is exposed. The scene then fades into the next scene where the female is on the left of the screen, kneeling on the floor, facing away from the audience then turns to look to the right of the screen into the distance. Again we see the same shot the thriller opened with, a female character laying in the bath still. We next see a quick cut to the next scene where the female character is walking towards the see in a weird form. A dissolve and close ups show the female character sitting by the sea with blood on her face. There then are quick shots/cuts and dissolves of a female laying the bath still, the tied rolling in and the female playing in the sea. A few scenes/shots later, we see close ups and mid shots of the female touching and sitting next to a hand covered in blood. There is then a close up of the female looking towards the audience with smudged make-up, bloody across her face and red eyes. Again we see the same shot the thriller opened with, a female character laying in the bath still which then goes back to the same scene bit with the female pushing away the hand covered in blood. The female then walks away from the location where the blooded hand has been hidden in a slow motion. As the female walks away, in the top left hand corner the title of the thriller is revealed. The screen then goes black and then shows the thriller opening being replied in reverse, ending with the opening shot. 

This thriller opening is extremely a high quality final piece, due to its incredible Cinematography, Mise-en-Scene, Sound and Editing. 

The thriller openings Cinematography

The group that produced this thriller opening used a number of different angled shots which suited their opening very well. They used shots such as: closes ups, mid shots, long shots and pans. 

The thriller openings Mise-en-Scene

The group had clearly thought out the setting and location of the thriller opening, the costume and make-up and non verbal communication for the opening. Even though the group’s setting and location were in normal, ordinary places, the beach and the bath, it suited the story line very well and created a mysterious atmosphere. The costumes were everyday outfits, pumps, leggings, skirt and a shit. However they managed to make mystery out of it. The make-up was brilliant, the smudged mascara and eye-liner with the smeared blood looked very realistic. 

The thriller openings Sound

The music/soundtrack to the groups thriller opening was a perfect match, suited the opening very well and gave the audience that spooky awkward feeling.

The thriller openings Editing

The group did a fantastic job with editing their thriller opening, making quick cuts, dissolves, fades .ect. in the right places, making the story line realistic and spooky.

Overall view

Overall the group that produced this particular thriller opening did a grand job with it, the story line was clear and everything fit really well.

By Tanzila Salam

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