Thursday, February 9, 2012

9. Black Swan (Movie Poster Analysis)

The movie poster we decided to analyse as a group was Black Swan, starring Natalie Portmen. We chose to analyse both movie posters so we can speak about the similarites and differences. Both posters for the movie include a close up of the actress Natalie Portmen, this is partly a way of advertising the thriller as viewers will want to see the film as she is in it, she is the film makers unique selling point. As well as the critic review on the second poster. As it is about ballet, it isn't a mainstream film therefore they need as many ways as possible to sell the film to the public.

Movie Poster number 1

The poster has the main image of Natalie Portman, the background is white. The colour white creates connotations of innocence and purity, someone who could easily be a victim in a thriller. The colour white is also a contrast of the name of the film 'The Black Swan' She has strong eye make up to stand out, the white makeup also makes her similar to a doll.

Movie Poster number 2

The main image of the second poster is also Natalie Portman, however the background is now black. The colour black creates connotations of darkness and mystery - something which thriller films include. In the image, her makeup is perfect, however there is a crack across her face which suggests she isn't as perfect as she seems. The colour of the Title 'The Black Swan' is extremley dark which could represent the characters state of mind.

By Katherine Scott

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