Saturday, February 25, 2012

25. Influences

At the start of this project we had to think of clips that influenced our thrillers, most groups were influenced by well known, successful films that have been released in the cinema, such as 'The Black Swan' & ' The Orphan'. However our group had an alternative idea, searching on YouTube for Music Videos and AS Media students Thriller openings to give us some idea's. Now we have finished filming, it's clear that we have kept to our main two influences which are the following:

Colette Carr Music Video - Back It Up 

This clip influenced our Make-up for our Thriller, in sections of this the singer Colette Carr has very gaunt and ghostly looking make-up, with a pale face, and black eyes, giving her a scary look just right for our Thriller. Our storyline is about a girl commiting suicide (drowning), we thought this make-up would be suitable alongside wet and backcombed hair, this would be used in a montage of shots of the girl in a forest in present time, the pale face contrasts with the black eyes giving her that ghost and death like required look.  

 Euan Baker Music Video - A2 Media Studies - Wyke Sixth Form College

This clip has been our main influence, with Mise En Scene, Cinematography and Editing when we start. There has been many influences from this clip that have been used and replicated in our own way, firstly the Location is set in a forest, with the boy walking along the footpath, this has inspired our clip and we have copied this in our thriller with the main character doing the same. There is alot of rapid editing throughout which we thought was great as it gives off a jumpy effect. Even while the boy is walking along the footpath it has been used and we beleive that it looks much more effective rather than him walking slowly or at a normal pace.

By Penny Horsnell

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