Tuesday, February 14, 2012

14. Demographics and Psychographics


Targeting people according to their wealth and well-being is called Demographics. However, because the film industry is suitable for everyone, it’s much harder to construct a film which is based on a certain of group people giving their wealth and well-being. This is due to the fact that there are different social classes and any can like a certain film and/or have the same taste in thrillers. This means that the film industry needs to be more selective when they target a spercific audience and this is when Psychographics come in to it. 



Psychographics examines people's interests, activites and opinions called the IAO variables, this will help us categorize a specific target audience for our Thriller trailer. After reasearch our group have concluded that our target audience is in the 'Reformers' catagory. We think this is suibtable as they are socially aware, age ranged between 15-24 and attend higher education.

By Tanzila Salam and Penny Horsnell

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