Sunday, February 12, 2012

12. Title Sequence

A good Thriller needs a Title Sequence as this sets the standards for the entire film because a Thriller’s biggest key in capturing the audience’s reaction/attitude is being dramatic. This should not be under estimated by the director and be taken care of.
A Title sequence should put across a certain messages in order to get the audience thinking as films have metaphorical meanings. A perfect example of a Title sequence is in the film 'Psycho'.

As you can see from the photo above, the font for the word 'Psycho' is bold, however it is broken through the middle with a crack in the letter 'C' this could represent the main characters fractured personality. The line above the title 'Alfred Hitchcocks Greatest Shocker' is also a way of selling the film. Alfred Hitchcock was a famous producer/director for the techniques he used in his thriller films.
In a good Title sequence, the actors/actresses names are also displayed along with the director’s and company’s name.  Doing this, gives off a good impression to the viewers because of the reputation that comes along with actors/actresses, director and companies. For example, in the Thriller ‘Inception’, Leonardo Di’Caprio has one of the leading roles, therefore many people in the audience would know him because of his other famous films such as ‘The Titanic’.
By Tanzila Salam and Katherine Scott

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